1689.23 - Mentor Conversations - Music

Course number
Mentor Conversations - Music
Students must be enrolled on the Bachelor in Creative Arts programme.
The aim of this course is to support, develop and strengthen students in working with their own music. In consultation with the programme leader, the student chooses a mentor, who will guide the student in working with their own music and provide the student with tools to produce compositions.
Together the mentor and student will draw up a plan for the semester with deadlines for submissions. Through conversations with the mentor, close listening and critique the student will work to distinguish and develop their own music and compositional style.
Learning and teaching approaches
The mentor and student will meet 10 hours in total in the course of one semester. The approach is individual conversations in which the student’s own music is discussed and developed. In addition to the student’s own pieces, the mentor and student will listen to other music material and read relevant material about music, which are intended as inspiration for the student’s own work.
Learning outcomes
Students who successfully complete the course can demonstrate ability to: - explain their creative methods in music-making - identify and discuss the characteristics and distinctive features of their own works with regards to style, form, genre and inspirations - demonstrate development of own compositions (produce portfolio)
Assessment method
Portfolio (10-12 min. audio file) + reflection (7 standard pages, 2.400 characters with spaces pr. page) for submission at the end of the course.
Marking scale
The student and mentor agree on a reading list with material that resonates with and challenges the student’s own work with music.
Sunleif Rasmussen