1543.04 - Folk literature II

Course number
Folk literature II
To provide the student with a general overview of fairytales and legends and train the students in analysis and interpretation of these types of narrative tradition.
The second course in Oral Tradition emphasizes the structure and cultural history of fairytales and legends and provides a theoretical framework for the comparison, analysis, and interpretation of each of these types of narrative tradition. Jakob Jakobsen’s Færøske Folkesagn og Æventyr (Faroese Folk Legends and Fairytales) is the most important source of Faroese fairytales and legends and will be used often during analyses. Course objectives include learning about the conventions and characteristics of each genre including the historical and cultural trajectories that have contributed to the form and structure of fairytales and legends in Scandinavia and the Faroe Islands. Similarily, students will be expected to use their knowledge and understanding of oral tradition and the history of fairytales and legends to gain insight into the cultural relevance of these genres. For the examination the student submits: A: about 50 pages of printed fairytales and about 50 pages of printed legends. Cassette tapes or other instructional audio-visual material may be part of the set amount. B: 3 theoretical works or the equivalent.
Learning and teaching approaches
2 lectures per week over the course of 2 terms.
Assessment method
4-hours written examination or a written paper on a subject chosen by the candidate. Exernal examiners.
Eyðun Andreassen