1136.12 - Literary Methods and Theories

Course number
Literary Methods and Theories
An academically oriented upper secondary diploma is required. In addition, applicants are specifically required to have a good mark in Faroese at upper secondary A-level and a pass in upper secondary Danish and English at B-level.
To provide students with knowledge about literary theory methodology, as well as with the ability to explain the theories, foundations, lines of argumentation, procedures and aims underpinning different methods.
Literary theory methodology will be discussed and examples presented with a view to describing their theories, procedures and aim. The course might, for example, examine new criticism and structuralism, in addition to other methods and approaches from fields such as ideology, history of ideas, psychology, reader response studies and post-colonial studies. The course examines how the methods discussed analyse, and thereby perceive, literature in terms of aesthetics, ideology and communication. The course also examines selected works of literary theory with a view to determining which methods they represent.
Learning and teaching approaches
The course will be offered over one semester as two hours a week of class-based teaching and the learning and teaching strategies used are lectures, student presentations and group work. Students are required to submit one two-week take-home assignment or two one-week take-home assignments on a topic set by the lecturer.
Learning outcomes
Successful students can demonstrate ability to: • describe literary theory methods and place them in a historical context • discuss the literary theory methods applied in selected literary theory works
Assessment method
Students are required to write a set take-home paper, which should be approx. 10 pages long. Students will have two weeks to complete the assignment.
: The reading list must amount to a total of approx. 200 pages of literary theory and literary theory works. A suggested reading list is available online www.setur.fo/til-studentar/foeroyamalsdeildin
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