1316.14 - Contemporary Faroese Literature (BA)

Course number
Contemporary Faroese Literature (BA)
Students must have completed the required core component of the BA in Faroese. This course can also be taken as an individual course with other prerequisites (please refer to the academic programme in force).
For students to: • acquire insight into tendencies in Faroese literature post 2010 • learn to work in an independent and analytical manner with new literature • learn to apply relevant theories to the interpretation of new literature
This course is designed as an examination of new Faroese poetry and prose literature. Literature published in the last 4 to 5 years will be read and interpreted. The course will touch on questions such as what characterises the contents and form of this literature, as well as to what extent these characteristics are also found in other Nordic countries. Using concepts from theory texts the course will particularly focus on how poets and authors blend autobiographical components and art, how different genres merge and how literary publications are fused with other forms of art like music and visual art.
Learning and teaching approaches
The approaches used are lectures, student presentations and class-based teaching.
Learning outcomes
Successful students can demonstrate ability to: • Explain trends in new Faroese literature • Explain new Faroese literature in a scholarly manner and use relevant theory as a tool • Discuss and asses trends in Faroese literature in a Nordic context
Assessment method
Four-hour written examination. All study aids are permitted in the examination.
John Frow: Genre (2008), p. 6-28, 124-144 Eivind Tjønneland: Knausgård-koden (2010), p. 13-16, 31-44 Unni Langås: “Dikt på utstilling. Inne og ute”. In Modernisme i nordisk lyrik 6 (2013) Peter Stein Larsen: “Fra boglyrik til digital lyrik. Udviklingslinjer i aktuel nordisk lyrik”. In. Modernisme i nordisk lyrik 6 (2013) Stefan Kjerkegaard: “Eksemplets plads – om den selvbiografiske udsigelse i poesi” In. Modernisme i nordisk lyrik 5 (2012) Geir Farner: Hvor går grensen mellom litterær fiksjon og virkelighetsutsagn?” Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift Vol. 1, year 13 (2010) Jon Helt Harder: “Performativ biografisme. Litteraturvidenskaben og det intime liv”, Kritik 167, (2004) Ager Albjerg: Fiktionens historiske sandhed eller sandhedens fiktionalisering. In. Romanen og historia. Nordica, Helsingfors Universitet (2003) Jóanes Nielsen: Brahmadellarnir (2011) Katrin Ottarsdótttir: Eru koparrør í himmiríki (2013) Tóroddur Poulsen: Fjalir (2013) Other short texts may also be included Excerpts from Sissal Kampmann: Ravnar á ljóðleysum flogi – yrkingar úr uppgongdini (2011) Sólrún Michelsen: Rottan (2011) Durita Holm. Offurmorðið (2013) Trygvi Danielsen: The Absent Silver King. Poems, short-stories and music (2013) Oddfríður Marni Rasmussen: Eg eri næstur (2013)
Bergur D. Hansen