1230.13 - Faroese Fonetics and Morphology

Course number
Faroese Fonetics and Morphology
An academically oriented upper secondary diploma is required. In addition, applicants are specifically required to have a good mark in Faroese at upper secondary A-level and a pass in upper secondary English at B-level. A pass in Linguistics is required to take this course.
To provide students with insight into Faroese phonetics, phonology and morphology, enabling them to use Faroese phonetic notation, and familiarising them with the phonetic system and Faroese word formation.
In phonetics and phonology students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the subject, focusing especially on the Faroese language. In morphology the course examines general word formation and Faroese word formation in particular. This means that students work with inflections, derivatives, compounds and morphophonemic shifts.
Learning and teaching approaches
The course is structured as two-hour weekly sessions lasting one semester. The main learning and teaching strategies used are lectures, student presentations, exercises, group work and independent study.
Learning outcomes
Successful students, who have passed the course in Faroese Phonetics and Morphology as part of the BA degree programme in Faroese, will have acquired knowledge about phonetics, phonology and morphology in general. Based on this knowledge, successful students can demonstrate ability to: • use the terminology specific to phonetics, phonology and morphology • use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to transcribe spoken Faroese language phonetically • give an account of different Faroese dialects • explain the principles of the Faroese phonetic system • describe Faroese word formation (derivatives, compounds and inflections) as well as morphophonemic shift in Faroese.
Assessment method
4-hour written examination divided into two components: phonetics and morphology. Each component lasts 2 hours with a break in-between. No study aids are permitted for the phonetics component, whereas all study aids are permitted for the morphology component.
Marking scale
A suggested reading list is available online www.setur.fo/til-studentar/foeroyamalsdeildin
Hjalmar Páll Petersen