1338.17 - Sociolinguistics (BA)

Course number
Sociolinguistics (BA)
Students must have completed the required core courses on the Bachelor Degree Programme in Faroese. Students with similar prerequisites can apply for individual course participation. Please see the current Degree Programs.
The aim of the course is to investigate the relation between langauge use and social groups, as well as language variation, language and identity, attitudes etc. Particular interest is put on language variation in informal everyday language.
The content can be divided into two parts. The first part is a general introduction to sociolinguistic theory and methodology. In the second part the students will learn to use the acquired theoretical tools for analysing language variation, particularly in Faroese.
Learning and teaching approaches
3 hours weekly for one semester with lectures and student presentations.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course successful students will: • have acquired elementary insight into sociolinguistics • be able to examine the relation between language and society • be able to provide a sociolinguistic analysis of language use • be able to use sociolinguistic theories, when working with the Faroese language.
Assessment method
Six-hour written examination. Dictionaries and all course materials are allowed in the examination room.
The bibliography is provisional as other texts may be added when the course begins: Hudson, R. 1999. Sociolinguistics (extract). Mæhlum, Brit et al. 2008. Språkmøte. Innføring i sosiolingvistikk (extract). Mæhlum, Brit. 2007. Konfrontasjoner. Når språk møtes (extract). Jacobsen, Jógvan í Lon. Samfelagsmálvísindi (unpublished manuscript). Jacobsen, Jógvan í Lon. 2012. Hví tosa vit viðhvørt – og snakka viðhvørt – um málvariatión í føroyskum. Í: Malunarmót, heiðursrit til Maluna Marneresdóttur s. 124-142. Jacobsen, Jógvan í Lon 2012. Álvaratos who cares (extract). Jacobsen, Jógvan í Lon. 2011. Sproglig markedsøkonomi på Færøerne. Fróðskaparrit 59. bók. s. 75-86.
Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen