7523.10 - Children and Physical Activity

Course number
Children and Physical Activity
The course consists of a theoretical and a practical/didactic part. In the theoretical part, students will - gain competence in reflecting academically on basic issues concerning the importance of health and sports in contemporary society - acquire thorough knowledge of basic physical training and motor skills In the practical/theoretical part, students will - become competent in using ball games to improve pupils’ health and social competence, and to help them cooperate - acquire the skills to use the various major apparatuses in a gymnastic or sports hall - become able to plan, conduct, evaluate and modify exercises and initiatives according to particular target groups
The subjects covered in the theoretical part are - Muscles, exercises and movement - Obesity, especially among children - Sports kindergartens - The physical environment in institutions and motor skills The subjects covered in the practical part are: - Basic movement competences (running, jumping, walking, swinging, somersaults, climbing and so on) - Track and field through children’s eyes (jumps and throws) - Artistic gymnastics (using apparatus and movements) - Sports for the handicapped - Minor ball games - Active movement and the physical context in day care centres, kindergartens and other institutions
Assessment method
Students, individually or in groups, will write a research paper, consisting of a theoretical and a practical/didactic part. Students write on a topic of their own choice. However, it must be within the themes covered in the class and must be accepted by the course instructors. Further instructions will be provided in class. Grades are awarded according to the current grading scale.