7301.10 - Poetry

Course number
In this course, which covers Faroese lyricism from the national romanticism of the 1880s to contemporary literature, students will acquire - historio-literary insight and competence in reading and interpreting poetry spanning a variety of literary periods - knowledge about trends, changes, style and technique in Faroese poetry over the last century - the competence to discuss didactic questions as they relate to poetry - the competence to develop lesson plans for the different stages in the Faroese school
The course spans over 7 weeks, meeting Mondays and Fridays. Students will use the last week to complete a written project. This course provides a broad overview of Faroese poetry and lyricism from the national romantic period to contemporary literature. Poems representing various literary currents and periods will be read and set within their literary context. The texts covered will give students a coherent overview of poetry in Faroese literary history. The course will emphasise analysis and interpretation, and students will make close readings of selected poems. Didactic issues in how to teach poetry will be considered. By course end, students ought to have gained competence in selecting and organising poems in lesson plans for every stage in the Faroese school.
Assessment method
During the last week of the course, students complete a written project, which can be written individually or in groups. Further instructions on the project will be given during the course. Internal examiners will be used. Grades will be awarded on Passed/Not passed basis.