7217.09 - Language and Language Didactics

Course number
Language and Language Didactics
The goal for this course is three-fold. (1) Students will gain insight into some primary concepts in linguistics and in the history and maintenance of the Faroese language. (2) Students will familiarise themselves with important theories on linguistic development, on reading and writing processes, and on testing linguistic development. And (3) students will learn to make a lesson plan, which primary aim is making student aware of language use and help them in their own language development.
The course is divided into three separate but interrelated parts. The philosophy of language is the focus of the first part. Students will familiarise themselves with the importance of language as medium of communication and its importance in identity formation. Students will focus on various theories on language and on the clasic dichotemies found in all languages: structural and lexical, synchronic and diachronic, competence and usage. Faroese as a language community will also be discussed, looking at the history of the language, purism as a perspective, language care, style in new media and so on. In part two the students will turn their attention to how the mother tongue is used at hom, in institutions and in schools. Theories on the following will be presented: linguistic awareness, elementary language teaching and learning, and teaching methods that aim to strengthen the reading and writing competence of children and youth. In addition, students will work on different evaluation methods used in language education today. The third part is organised as a practicum. Students will teach 1. or 2. grade pupils in Faroese. The students prepare, implement and evaluate a lesson plan based on the theories and examples they have worked on in the course.
Assessment method
On completion of the course, students will write a research paper, in which they integrate the theoretical part of the course with their practicum experience. Internal examiners will be used. Grades will be awarded according to the current grading scale. When the paper is assessed, the following will be considered: • How well do the students employ theories, conceptualities and issues that are central to linguistic and language education • How the students succeed in planning a lesson plan, which nurtures the linguistic awareness and competence of students in the Faroese school • How well is the paper written and organised • Language usage, syntax and spelling • Use of scientific sources and literature, and use of the APA style guide