7334.11 - Literature in Context and in Language Teaching

Course number
Literature in Context and in Language Teaching
The objective of the course is to give students: • An understanding of the different genres of English Literature. • An overview of the major approaches in Literary Criticism. • An understanding of language teaching through teaching literature. • The ability to analyse literary texts. • The ability to design tasks for teaching language skills through literature.
The course is structured as follows: • Studying the various genres of literature as representations of a period in English literature. • The major approaches in Literary Criticism. • Analysis of literary texts to appreciate language use. • Designing language-teaching activities based on literary texts. The teaching approach will be partially lecturer-centred and partially student-centred. Students will participate in discussions and mock teaching sessions.
Assessment method
The student will design a classroom activity to demonstrate understanding of the analytical approach to two texts of different literary genres and provide a framework for their assessment. This will be presented at the oral examination. Grading: The student will be graded using the available scale 0-13. Both the written and oral components will be graded, and the average of these two will provide the final grade for this module. The basis of evaluation comprises: • The ability of the student to write a comprehensive piece of work that exhibits the student’s comprehension of the theory underpinning the activity. • The skills of analysis and synthesis as evidenced in the written activity showing the application of theory to practice. • The structure, content, and language and style of the assignment. • Body language, visual communication, and presentation skills. • Fluency and clarity of language and interactive communication skills.
Marking scale