7253.10 - Exam Project in the Natural Sciences Track

Course number
Exam Project in the Natural Sciences Track
In this final exam project, to be based on the courses in the natural sciences track, students will prove that they are able to complete a research project, which focuses on the natural sciences and didactics. The structure, content, and the use of scientific theory and method in the paper must reflect what is expected of students in the second year of a B.Ed. degree.
The students will write a research paper on a theme in the natural sciences. Students can write individually or on in groups of two. The students formulate their own research question or topic, but it must cover both a natural scientific and a didactic component. Co-operation with a local school is to form a part of the empirical data for the didactic component. This co-operation will include experiments, observations, development of teaching material, teaching and so on. The instructors in the natural sciences must approve the research question or topic.
Assessment method
If written by one student, the research paper should be at least 18 pages long (2400 character, including spaces, per page). If written by two, it should be at least 25 pages long. The students will defend their paper in an oral presentation. External examiners will be used. Grades are awarded according to the current grading scale. The grade awarded is primarily based on the written paper. Though, the oral presentation and the ensuing dialogue between students and examiners may alter the grade in either direction.