7257.10 - Study Trip and Conference - Natural Sciences

Course number
Study Trip and Conference - Natural Sciences
Study trip: The purpose of the study trip is for students to experience a natural environment different from their own and gain an understanding of the variety in the interplay between natural environments and cultures. Another goal is for students to use their experience in a foreign natural habitat as inspiration for reflection on didactics in the natural sciences, including ”open-air” didactics and how the experience in a foreign environment may inspire one’s teaching at home. A visit to a primary school and other educational institutions is part of this trip. The goal of these visits is for students to explore issues related to their own education and degrees. Conference The purpose of the conference is for students to get experience in preparing, conducting and evaluating a conference. In doing this, they shall show that they are able to both work independently and cooperate with one another. Students will also train their competence in communicating scientific material by writing a text, holding a lecture and so on. In doing this, they sharpen their abilities in making a public presentation and leading a discussion.
Study Trip: The theme of the trip is to be on a particular aspect or issue in the natural sciences that will benefit the students in their coming vocation as teachers. Students have the responsibility, with the support and guidance of the instructors, to prepare, conduct, evaluate and interpret the trip and its academic content. During the trip, they will complete a few assignments that have been agreed upon in advance. These assignments will be on social, cultural and environmental issues in the places they visit. During the trip, students will also visit a school or other educational institution. On returning from the trip, students are required to evaluate and interpret the knowledge they have gained about the natural sciences during the trip. They will, among other things, write a study trip report, which focuses on their experience and the academic issues raised by it. The results from the trip assignments and visits shall form a part of the report. The study trip may be to a place in the Faroes, to one of the other Nordic countries or to Scotland, and it will last for no more than a week. Conference: The conference will be on a theme in the natural sciences, which is relevant and exciting in an educational context. Although it should focus on primary school pupils, it should also have a broader public appeal. Students and instructors will together decide on the theme for the conference. The students will independently plan every aspect of the conference, including invitations to conference attendees, choosing possible visiting lecturers or workshop holders, organising food and housing, and so on. On completion of the conference, the students will write a report and publish it. Lectures, possible workshop result and other relevant information from the conference (e.g. an evaluation) will be included in the report.
Assessment method
On activities, assignments and papers, see above. In order to pass the course, students must be active participants in every aspect of the course. If, because of unavoidable circumstances, a student is unable to go on the study trip, she or he will complete a replacement project to be determined by the instructors, and which is equivalent to a study week, i.e. 40 hours of work. Internal examiners will be used. Grades will be awarded on a Passed/Not passed basis. In order to pass this course, students must have been active participants in the course, attended the various events, and fulfilled their duties in completing assignments, reports and other activities.