3512.12 - General and Inorganic Chemistry

Course number
General and Inorganic Chemistry
High School B-level in mathematics, physics and chemistry or B-level in mathematics and physics, C-level in chemistry and A-level in biology.
To give the students a solid base for chemical appraisals in environmental and biological matters.
Stoichiometry. Elementary thermodynamics. Electrochemistry. Equilibria. Bonding theories. Colligative properties. Kinetics. Crystal lattices. Electronic configurations of atoms. Chemical bonding. Descriptive inorganic chemistry.
Learning and teaching approaches
Lectures, problem solving and laboratory exercises
Learning outcomes
Having passed the course, the student is able to: o demonstrate and apply knowledge about ideal and non-ideal gas laws o solve problems about energy relationships in chemical reactions, o demonstrate knowledge about the laws of thermodynamics o describe and explain the periodic table and the electronic structure of atoms o describe the most important properties of the elements in the periodic table. o to categorize different forms of intramolecular and intermolecular chemical bondings o cateogorize different crystal structures o master calculations with different concentration units o demonstrate and use knowledge about colligative properties o solve problems in chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium o apply knowledge about acids, bases, acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria o solve basic electrochemical problems o describe coordination compounds in living organisms o explain natural radioactivity and dating based on radiactive decay
Assessment method
A 4 hour test. The existing grade scale is used. All help devices and materials are permitted. Marks are given for written handed in exercises and reports and the weighted average of these marks (25%) and the exam mark (75%) constitutes the final course grade.
Marking scale
Raymond Chang: General Chemistry The Essential Concepts 6. Edition (2011). ISBN 978-007-131368-1, pp.779 Preben Hartmann-Petersen: Almen, uorganisk og organisk kemi. 7. edition (1999). ISBN 87-502-0963-9, pp 396 (copies handed out) Experimental instructions will be handed out.
Hóraldur Joensen