2291.21 - Business Strategy

Course number
Business Strategy
The student is required to have completed the first year of the BA Economics and Management course or other corresponding Social Science course. It is an advantage to have knowledge about the foundations of business managemen, as e.g. have been covered in the subject ‘Principles of Microeconomics’.
The objective of the course is to prepare the student to understand the strategic issues and opportunities of a business, and to understand these in the specific business environment in which it operates.
Business strategy is a subject which is in constant development, and new theories surface regularly. In addition to the core reading, where the most common theories and methods are being described, the course is organised with short articles, presentations, real cases and exercises, where the students can train their strategic thinking.
Learning and teaching approaches
Frálærutímarnir verða nýttir til stuttar fyrilestrar og venjingar og case uppgávur. Studenta framløgur verða gjørdar sambært ætlan. Mælt verður til regluligt og skipað bólkaarbeiði sum liður í fyrireiking.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student shall: • Possess knowledge about the main issues of strategy and the theoretical methods for strategic management. • Have capability to reflect upon industrial structure and the individual business’ position upon that market. • Possess capability to use models to analyze the competitive environment – internationally and locally – of any business or organisation. • Possess capability to use models to analyse strategic opportunities: What, where and how a business must compete. • Know how to discover and assess the sources of competitive advantage and the analyze these advantages. • Possess capability to use models to analyze the strategic options and trade-offs between organic growth, acquisitions or strategic alliances. • Possess capabilities to organize the strategic decisionmaking process and implementation of strategy, including to evaluate and analyze risks. • Ability to reflect upon the best suitable methods to lead the business or organisation to best achieve its purpose.
Assessment method
Munnlig próvtøka við framløgu av innlatnari uppgávu á 10 síður. Uppgávan skal viðgera læruúrtøku-evnini, og vísa at tann lesandi hevur skilt eina røð av strategiskum hugtøkum og metodum, og vísa at tann lesandi dugir at brúka hesar metodur uppá ítøkiligar strategiskar trupulleikar.
Marking scale
Árni Jóhan Petersen