2816.12 - Basic Course in Law

Course number
Basic Course in Law
The students shall trough examples form statutes, statutory instruments, case law, and other sources of law get an understanding of the methodology used by lawyers. Through exercises the students learn to find and interpret law and acquire an understanding of certain important aspects of law.
The course is divided into two main sections. In the general section, the students are taught how lawyers find, interpret, compare, draft and review law. In the special section, the students get some insight into constitutional law, administrative law and international law and other subjects.
Learning and teaching approaches
The course is 36 hours. Several trained lawyers instruct the students. The teaching is organised as lectures, presentations, exercises and discussions.
Assessment method
The exam is a four hour written open book test at the end of the course. The students are required to submit two course papers, the better of which counts one third of the mark and the test 2/3. The mark is given according to the valid scale, and there will be an internal examiner.
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