3516.09 - Arvalæra og mýlsk lívfrøði

Arvalæra og mýlsk lívfrøði
At veita studentunum grundvitan um klassiska og mýlska arvalæru eins og innlit í arvaligar og fingnar sjúkur.
Gen-kodan. Mendel-genetikkur. Ílegukøking og kromosom kortlegging. DNA manipulation og tøkni. Gen regulering, gen expression og RNA processering. Menning og differentiatión. Mutatiónir og DNA-umvæling. Arvaligar og fingnar ílegusjúkur. Mýlsk evolutión. Stovna-genetikkur. Starvstovu-venjingar. Hemoglobin gen-expressión í toski. Venjingin er skipað sum ein stutt granskingar-verkætlan. Fyrri partur av hesi umfatar savning av almannakunngjørdum sekvensum frá data-bankum. Hesir verða síðani greinaðir fyri at fáa fram ein plan fyri, hvussu fram skal farast i øðrum parti. Annar partur fevnir um starvstovuviðgerð av toska-blóðsýnunum, isolatión av cDNA og gDNA, margfalding við PCR og loksins útvinning av DNA sekvensum. Studentarnir mugu luttaka virknir í ástøðiliga og verkliga partinum av venjingini. Frásøgnin skal verða skrivað sum ein granskingargrein.
Læru- og undirvísingarhættir
Fyrilestrar. Uppgávurokning. Starvstovuarbeiði. Ástøðiligt arbeiði við bioinformatiskum tólum fyri at (i) savna og greina data frá sequence-databankum og nýta hesa vitan til at (ii) greina úrslitini frá starvsstovuarbeiðinum.
Skrivaða frásøgnin um starvsstovuvenjingina telur 25 %. Skrivlig próvtøka í fýra tímar. NVD telda er tøk. Einans lummaroknari er loyvdur sum hjálpiamboð. Próvtøkuúrslit sambært galdandi próvtalsstiga.
DL Hartl, EW Jones: Essential Genetics. A Genomics Perspective. 4 ed. Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2006. ISBN10: 0-7637-3527-2, ISBN13:978-0-7637-3527-2. Please note that most days in the first half of the course also include instructions (and discussions) for collecting background data for laboratory work. The lab days are tentatively assigned. The list is preliminary. 26.10 Ch. 1. The genetic code of genes and genomes 1.4 (to p. 14), 1.6, 1.7 Ch. 2. Transmission genetics: Heritage from Mendel pp. 34-67 29.10 Ch. 3. The chromosomal basis of heredity -3.6 pp. 74-104 02.11 Visit to Fiskaaling to get blood samples from cod. Information on genetic work at Fiskaaling. Ch. 4. Gene linkage and genetic mapping (except 4.5) pp. 122-143, 152-155 05.11 Ch. 5. Human chromosomes and chromosome behavior pp.164-197 09.11 Ch. 8. The molecular genetics of gene expression 8.4 and 8.5 pp. 289-302 Ch. 9. Gene regulation (except 9.1) 319-345 12.11 Ch. 10. Genomics, proteomics, and genetic engineering pp. 358-385 16.11 Ch. 11. The genetic control of development pp.392-415 19.11 Laboratory day 23.11 Laboratory day 26.11 Laboratory day 30.11 Ch. 12. Molecular mechanisms of mutations and DNA repair pp. 422-454 03.12 Ch. 13. Cell cycle and cancer 460-485 DC Information on genetic work at Heilsufrøðiliga starvsstovan 07.12 Ch. 14. Molecular evolution and population genetics pp. 494-525 EM 10.12 Ch. 15. The genetic basis of complex inheritance pp. 532-555 16.12 Provtøka DC: Debes Christiansen EM: Eyðfinn Magnussen Objective: To provide the students with a basic knowledge of classical and molecular genetics, including insight into heritable and acquired genetic diseases. Topics: The genetic code. Mendelian genetics. Linkage and chromosome mapping. DNA manipulation and technology. Gene regulation, gene expression and RNA processing. Development and differentiation. Mutations and DNA repair. Heritable and acquired genetic diseases. Molecular evolution. Populations genetics. Laboratory exercize: Hemoglobin gene expression in cod. The exercize is organized as a small research project, with a first part where published sequences are collected from databanks, and these data are analyzed to achíeve a plan for how to proceed in the second part. The second part is the practical work up the actual blood samples from cod to cDNA and gDNA, amplify sequences with PCR, and subsequently obtain the DNA sequences. The students must participate both in the theoretical and practical part of the exercize. The report should be formed as a research manuscript. Instruction: Lectures. Problem solving. Laboratory work and theoretical work using bioinformatic tools to (i) collect and analyze data from sequence databanks as basis for subsequent laboratory work, and (ii) analyze results from the laboratory work. Evaluation: Written report from laboratory exercize counts 25%. Four-hour written examination. NVD computer is available. Electronic calculator allowed, otherwise no auxiliary material. The existing grade scale will be used.
Svein-Ole Mikalsen