5011.15 - Java for C++ Programmers

Course number
Java for C++ Programmers
Introduction to computer science (7.5 ECTS), Introductory Programming in C++ (7.5 ECTS), Object based programming in C++ (7.5 ECTS), Object oriented programming in C++ (7.5 ECTS).
The course describes differences – theoretical and practical – between C++ and Java and aims at a smooth transformation to Java for C++ programmers.
Theoretical and practical differences between Java and C++. - The Java development- and runtime-environment. - Tools for implementing Java-programmed systems. - IO-administration, exceptions and serialization. - Design of user interfaces with graphics and the Java-GUI. - Applets, threads and client-server programming. - New in Java 8 (e.g. functional interfaces, lamda expressions, method references) - new in Java 8 (e.g. functional interfaces, lamda expressions, method references) - know significant new facilities in Java 8
Learning and teaching approaches
Remote education from Mid Sweden University: DT062G Java för C++ programmerare, / DT062G Java for C++ Programmers, and local teaching at NVD (about 3 hours/week).
Learning outcomes
After the course you should be able to: - know the differences between C++ and Java especially in syntax, inheritance and memory allocation, - be able to develop and use applets, - be able to use multiple threads, - be able to use the graphics in Java, - be able to use components, the layout manager and the event manager in the Java-GUI, - be able to develop Java-systems that communicate over the internet, and - be able to use the IO-package in Java to work with files and for serialization of objects.
Assessment method
Approved exercises (3 ECTS) and an examination (4.5 ECTS), which will be graded and count for the final grade for this course
Sweedish textbook: Jan Skansholm, Java direkt med Swing, Studentlitteratur, latest edition: ISBN: 9789144104317 Upplaga: 8 Revisionsår: 2014 https://www.studentlitteratur.se/#9789144104317/Java+direkt+med+Swing Optional English textbook: Harvey Deitel, Paul Deitel: Java How To Program (early objects): Global Edition Paperback – 3 Oct 2014 http://www.amazon.co.uk/books/dp/1292018194/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1444138587&sr=8-1&keywords=Java+How+to+Program Pearson; 10 edition ISBN-10: 1292018194 ISBN-13: 978-1292018195
Hannes Gislason