- 27/04/2022 SetriðThe President of Iceland lectures on nationalism in turbulent timesTuesday May 10 the President of Iceland, Guðni Thorlacius...
- 28/02/2022 SetriðPublic statement condemning the Russian invasion of UkraineAfter consultation with the Chair of our Board, in dialog...
- 25/01/2022 Setrið NámsvísindadeildinPhD course: Planning or working with a PhD-projectThis May, the University of Faroe Islands will host a PhD...
- 05/01/2022 SetriðEU Missions info days on 18 and 19 January 2022The event aims to inform potential applicants about the n...
- 09/06/2021 Setrið Søgu- og samfelagsdeildinSymposium: Frederick Schauer – Questions and IssuesThe Kári á Rógvi Institute for Law and Legal Research is...
- 29/04/2021 SetriðLanguage Policy of the University of the Faroe IslandsThe University of the Faroe Islands is the primary higher...
- 04/12/2020 Setrið Søgu- og samfelagsdeildinNew Release: Coalitions in the Climate Change NegotiationsThis edited volume provides both a broad overview of coop...
- 14/10/2020 Setrið FøroyamálsdeildinComprehensive set of books about the new North AtlanticThe results of a new and comprehensive cross-Nordic human...
- 22/09/2020 SetriðProposals for industrial PhD projectsIn the years 2020 to 2022 organisations located in the Fa...
- 16/09/2020 Setrið Søgu- og samfelagsdeildinSwift adjustment in Faroese economyThe Economic Council of the Faroe Islands says that the e...
- 03/09/2020 SetriðWebinar: Funding from NORAAre you considering applying for project funding from NOR...
- 28/08/2020 Setrið NámsvísindadeildinHalf a million for a project on distance educationThe Danish Agency for and Science and Higher Education (D...
- 06/07/2020 Setrið NáttúruvísindadeildinGeospatial Centre of the Faroe IslandsFróðskaparsetur Føroya has launched the Geospatial Centre...
- 22/06/2020 SetriðChanges in hours at The National LibraryThe National Library is implementing a new IT-system and...
- 26/05/2020 Setrið Deildin fyri Heilsu- og SjúkrarøktarvísindiReturn to elite football after the COVID-19 lockdownThe COVID-19 pandemic has changed the conditions for comp...