- 22/04/2020 Setrið NáttúruvísindadeildinFaroese contribution to solar forecastsThe University of the Faroe Islands is one of 25 globally...
- 27/03/2020 Setrið NáttúruvísindadeildinFaroes-Korean math collaborationThe first result of a collaboration about mathematics bet...
- 18/03/2020 NáttúruvísindadeildinGene annotations and nomenclatureSvein-Ole Mikalsen, Marni Tausen and Sunnvør í Kongsstovu...
- 04/03/2020 Setrið Føroyamálsdeildin Námsvísindadeildin Náttúruvísindadeildin Deildin fyri Heilsu- og Sjúkrarøktarvísindi Søgu- og samfelagsdeildin Til lesandi Setursskrivstovan Lestrarskrivstovan Altjóða Skrivstovan Búskaparráðið Fróðskapur Granskingardepilin fyri Samfelagsmenning Depilin fyri heilsugranskingRegarding the Corona virusFrom the Rector regarding the Corona virus I am writing...
- 23/02/2020 Setrið NáttúruvísindadeildinNew paper in TAMSTogether with Mike Boyle from the University of Maryland...
- 20/02/2020 NáttúruvísindadeildinInternational leading conference in computer scienceFrom June 22 to June 24, the University of the Faroe Isla...
- 10/02/2020 Setrið NáttúruvísindadeildinSWAT 2020: Deadline approachingDeadline is fast approaching for paper submission to The...
- 16/01/2020 Setrið NáttúruvísindadeildinNew book about Geodetic Time Series AnalysisGethin Wyn Roberts PhD, who is an associate professor in...
- 15/01/2020 Setrið NáttúruvísindadeildinAnni Djurhuus publishes paper in Nature CommunicationsThe technique used for this study is termed environmental...
- 07/01/2020 SetriðThe Football is Medicine 2020 Conference is fast approachingThe University of the Faroe Islands is delighted to welco...
- 07/01/2020 SetriðFinancial support from nort2nortnStudents, researchers and other members of staff can appl...
- 12/09/2019 SetriðInternational Staff Services are to be strengthenedOn September 12, a workshop was held at the University of...
- 28/06/2019 SetriðThe University of the Faroe Islands Appoints a New RectorThe Board of the University of the Faroe Islands has anno...
- 15/03/2019 SetriðRector for the University of the Faroe IslandsThe University of the Faroe Islands is looking for a Univ...
- 30/11/2017Applications open for continental shelf seminar in Arusha, TanzaniaIn September 2019, researchers, post-graduate students, c...