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Ph.d.-verja: Tróndur Møller Sandoy

Fríggjadagin 23. juni klokkan 14-16 føroyska tíð fer Tróndur Møller Sandoy at verja sína ph.d.-ritgerð, "Essays on the Economics of Education". Verjan verður á Copenhagen Business School og á teams.

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Í enska samandráttinum av ph.d.-ritgerðini skrivar Tróndur soleiðis:

This thesis consists of four independent chapters which aim to improve the knowledge of different economic aspects of higher education. The first chapter explores the preferences of university applicants and simulates how changes in the supply of university programs affect applicant demand. The second chapter measures the effect of absence on whether students graduate in vocational education and training. The third chapter measures the effect of high-achieving university peers on male and female students' labor market outcomes. The fourth chapter explores the effect of alumni networks on labor market outcomes.

Primary Supervisor: Associate Professor Fane Naja Groes, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School 

Secondary Supervisors: Professor Bertel Schjerning, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen 

Assessment Committee: Associate Professor Herdis Steingrimsdottir (Chair), Department of Economics 

Copenhagen Business School, Associate Professor Hans Henrik Sievertsen Department of Economics, University of Bristol, Assistant Professor Adam Kapor, Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton University